The National Spiritual Alliance

Lake Pleasant, Massachusetts

Founded in 1913, The National Spiritual Alliance continues to serve the spiritual needs of the United States and beyond. TNSA is a nationally recognized denomination of Spiritualism.

Was founded in 1913 by Rev. (and medium) G. Tabor Thompson, formerly of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches and other individuals who believed that "intercommunication between the denizens of different worlds is scientifically established." The alliance promoted studies of Spiritualism and prescribed qualifications of ministers, including the method of examination and ceremony by which they were set apart. It also set the qualifications of associated ministers, licentiates, healers, mediums, missionaries, and other official workers, and issues certificates.

Name Date and Time Location
Development Circle 2025-03-31 18:30 Monday, March 31, 2025 at 6:30 PM Montague Center Fire Department
In Person Service with Rev. Sheryl Sadler-Twyon 2025-04-06 13:00 Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 1:00 PM First Congo Church of Montague


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