The First Step- Licentiate Minister Traineeship
With a major emphasis on serving those in need, becoming a TNSA Spiritualist Minister is a defining moment in one's journey with Spiritualism, a sacred designation by the hand of man and spirit. All Spiritualists have the duty to continue learning but even more so as a Spiritualist Minister.
To satisfy the ordination requirement below, TNSA has developed a specific Minister Training Program that is presented by Tabor Thompson Institute. If this is a path that you are considering, click on the Licentiate Minister application and print a copy for completion and submission to the TNSA Board of Directors with a $100 application fee. TNSA allows the candidate 24 months to complete all requirements.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the TNSA President. The process also requires candidates for ordination obtain a current criminal background check and recommends using and purchasing the National Search, currently at $14.95. Simply show the complete background check to the appointed TNSA representative. Or make other arrangements if you are not in the vicinity of our national headquarters.
No copies of your report will be retained by TNSA. Requirements for ordination are subject to change. Please contact us for complete information.
Reciprocal minister ordination is also possible for those ministers ordained through another acceptable denomination or Spiritualist church and by completed and other requirements for reciprocal ordination.
Tabor Thompson Institute
Licentiate Minister Application
Tabor Thompson Institute Application for Enrollment
Reciprocal ordination available for qualified ordained ministers
Reciprocal Ordination as A Spiritualist Minister
Reciprocal ordination as a Spiritualist minister is available to individuals who have been ordained by a bonified Spiritualist Church or organization in the United States or another country. Prospective candidates must be able to demonstrate qualifying education and experience.
If you are an ordained Spiritualist minister of another Spiritualist Church, you will need to demonstrate appropriate education and ordination credentials as well as the criminal background check clearance to the TNSA president or Director of Vocations.
Ministers ordained in another faith other than Spiritualism, must demonstrate credentials of current ordination and in good standing and must complete the Spiritual Core for reciprocal ordination.
Reciprocal ordination also requires membership in The National Spiritual Alliance and minister.
Contact The National Spiritual Alliance for information.